An Italian Proverb...

While I was growing up my Nana would tell me stories about my great-grandfather. He came to the United States from Italy. She would talk to me about the culture and everything that she loved about Italy. So, when I got to high school, I chose to take Italian as my language. I am not fluent, but I understand enough to make it through basic conversation. However, the thing that I remember most is an Italian proverb that has stuck with me ever since I heard it…

“Parliamo perché sappiamo."

The phrase translates to: “We speak because we know.”

What does it mean to me?

This phrase has always been stuck with me, and the reason is three-fold.

  1. My spiritual beliefs.

  2. My philosophical beliefs.

  3. My personal values.

Going deeper…

  • My spiritual beliefs.

The phrase: “We speak because we know.” applies to my spiritual beliefs as a Christian. I believe in sharing the Gospel with everyone in my life. I feel called to do this most through living by example. I try to share my beliefs openly. I believe that being unashamed of what you believe, opens the door to conversations about theology. I talk about what I believe because I believe it, and I think it is important. I talk about it so that anyone who is interested in listening can hear it.

  • My philosophical beliefs.

I believe that knowledge is not inherently of value. I first began to develop my thoughts on this while reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. I think that knowledge without action changes nothing. What separates a knowledgeable man from an ignorant one if they live the same exact life? I believe that knowledge is meant to be shared and acted upon. As a result, "Parliamo perché sappiamo." is a phrase that has remained with me since I first learned it. It is a reminder and a call to act on my knowledge.

  • My personal values.

There are two main things that I put in this category: 1) Confidence/Honesty. 2) Speaking only when I have something to say.

1) Confidence/Honesty.

The phrase: “We speak because we know.” applies to my personal value of having confidence in what I say, and saying what I believe is honest. More specifically, the phrase: “Because we know.” I think that it fits so well with this proverb because it suggests that you speak because you know something to be true. To me, it is about sharing from your experience. It is being honest about what you believe is true. For this reason, the proverb aligns quite well with my beliefs.

2) Speaking only when I have something to say.

There are many other reasons that I stay silent unless I have reason to speak. However, this one is most important to me. What warrants the action of outspoken communication? I often stood behind this value so much that I would not have much communication in many situations. Then, I realized that sometimes knowing something is reason enough to speak about it. Everyone does not know the same things as I do, and speaking about it presents an opportunity for growth on all sides.

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. Are there any saying, quotes, or proverbs that have stuck with you? Share them in the comments below!